CasinoCoin — The Front Line

1 min readJun 25, 2021


Every cryptocurrency has a community supporting it - one that gives it a voice and spreads awareness. Whether it’s offering a helping hand to those intrigued about the project, or fighting FUD from naysayers, you can usually find these community members on the front line contributing to the adoption of their favorite project.

Those of us who came from the XRP Community are well aware of how a basic introduction to Ripple and XRP might sound. From the beginning there were many voices on the XRP Chat forum, the XRP Community Blog, and all across social media banging the drums for Ripple; and as XRP began to sprout and grow, so too did the community behind it. The drums banged harder. The voices grew louder. Until one day, there was what seemed like an entire army backing XRP.

The XRP Army.

But building such a large community takes effort. The cryptocurrency space is huge, and as we attempt to inform the world about the focus and utility of CasinoCoin and the team behind it, our voices can sometimes be drowned out. Our attempts at spurring adoption sometimes even hindered by those who wish to spread FUD about CasinoCoin’s bumpy start on its path to greatness. But against all odds…we are growing.

And as we continue to grow, it is up to all of us to keep making noise — to continue informing others about CasinoCoin and what it has to offer. Because after all…

We are the front line.




Crypto Blogger/Fiction writer. All views are my own. I'm not a professional financial analyst. Familiar sentences in my blog are nods to my favorite XRP blogger