Interview with Codeward

4 min readJul 26, 2021


Tell us — who exactly is this CodeWard guy? Does he have any passions/hobbies?

  • Who would think it would be so hard to describe oneself… While many people seem to carry an “online persona”, Codeward is just a handle for me; however, how I am online is very much how I am in real life. Helping and teaching people is something I do enjoy, and being a father of 4, I have a drive to learn as much as I can so that I can impart that knowledge to my kids in the future. My hobbies change often and usually align with what I’m trying to learn next. Over the last year I’ve taught myself some basic electrical engineering, arduino programming, vehicle maintenance and modification, and more. I would have to say though that my biggest passion is crypto, mainly CasinoCoin. I love the team, the community, and the project as a whole. I see a bright future for CSC.

What is the funniest thing that you’ve seen or heard in the crypto space?

  • Asides XRP Productions tweets…? :smirk:
    That would have to be: “Bitcoin fixes ______.”
  • I don’t hate BTC, but I’ve been in the space long enough to know that Bitcoin is the equivalent of Napster or Netscape Navigator: first to market, first for a lot of things; although, I don’t see it as a long term solution for much as new technologies are emerging or already exist (cough XRP cough) that do what BTC does… but way better, and have a higher chance of actual mass adoption at scale (without getting destroyed in fees and having to use layer 2 tech). Perhaps it might have staying power as a store of value, but even then with the global crackdown PoW makes me look to other technologies or existing assets (gold) that already have that title and proven track record.

Who introduced you to crypto, and what was your first buy?

  • I was first introduced to crypto (BTC) back in 2013/2014 while in college for Computer Programming by a classmate who was mining it. Admittedly, at the time I had no idea, and figured it was a fad of “fake internet money” and still kick myself in hindsight, but we live and learn. So fast forward to 2017 right before the run took off, I saw XRP start to rise. I tried setting up an account with Kraken but ran into issues, so actually got sidelined watching the bull run take place.
  • I think it was September 2018 or so, I got set up on another exchange, and my first buy was XRP. Very shortly after, in November 2018 I bought my first bag of CasinoCoin. So these two have held a special place for me over the last few years, although I have explored others that offer utility.

Pick one person from the crypto space. They have to honestly answer three questions. Who is it and what do you ask?

  • @WietseWind, no hesitation.

1) What got you into crypto?

2) How did you go about establishing XRPLLabs?

3) I’m interested in developing XRPL based applications and xApps. What would you recommend would be the best way to go about starting such a business and securing funding to get started?

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

  • In 5 years, hopefully less, I see myself as an entrepreneur running my own team for developing xApps and other XRPL based software. I have a few ideas I would love to bring to market; unfortunately, at this time I lack the funding to quit my 9–5 and do so.

You decide to create your own crypto — what do you name it?

  • This is a tough one as the coin (imo) should reflect what it’s primary goal is to a degree. However if I were to create a coin, it would be the $LPT or Loyalty Point Token; which would be used to interoperate with loyalty point systems from gas stations to grocery stores. I hate having to carry around 10+ different loyalty cards and then somehow not having the one card I need for the place that I’m at as I decided “I don’t go there that often”.

Tell us a secret that you feel comfortable telling complete strangers on the internet.

  • Not sure it would really be a secret per se, but I grew up in foster care and bounced around more foster homes by the time I left care than I was old. So stability in life is something I’ve never really had that I strive towards.

At a casino, do you consider yourself a high roller or a penny pincher? Also, what is your go to game?

  • Likely a penny pincher. As a father of 4 I’m not “rolling in the dough”, so a night out to the casino is $100–200, so I usually play the slots to make it last. However, my favourite game to play is Sic Bo. My best play was putting $20 in and walking away with just shy of $1500 after hitting a triple call, but I usually try playing the statistics with combos like 2,4,5 | 1,3,6 | 2,3,4 with an extra chip or 2 on a double.

Will you discretely place a banana in the background of your next Youtube video?

  • This is one you’ll just have to keep your eyes peeled for.

Who should I pick from the CSC community to interview for the next blog?

  • @Mass_Adoption. Dave recently joined the @CasinoCoin team as a Business Development Representative, has been a long standing member of the community, and was also one of my first follows on twitter when I joined as well. Great guy, helpful, kind, and all around a stand up gentleman.




Crypto Blogger/Fiction writer. All views are my own. I'm not a professional financial analyst. Familiar sentences in my blog are nods to my favorite XRP blogger