The Story Within The Story — The CSC Blog
JC Collins is quite the wordsmith — and as a fellow writer, I admit his talent far surpasses my own. In this blog I’ll attempt to find a deeper meaning to his words, and make connections that may or may not be there as it pertains to CasinoCoin and it’s future.
To begin I’d like to start with the two partnerships that have yet to be announced. Are they exchanges? Or could they be casinos? My thought is the latter. Exchanges usually announce their listings. Also exchanges don’t necessarily “partner” with a company when they list a coin…do they?
Which are the lucky few who are secretly adopting CSC behind the scenes? Not a clue. My best guess?
From JC’s blog:
“It’s coming back to me. It has been a while since I was here, and I needed to descend back into this world. Was I running from something? Maybe. Searching. After ascending to that other place, I needed the real world again. The wet sand between my toes feels good — the breeze on my face.”
Grandpa JC was not running from something. He was searching. As in searching the stars(BitStarz). He ascended to “that other place”(the moon) and finally came back to earth.
BitStarz is constantly listed on many top 10 online casino lists, which means if this is indeed the partnership being announced…then the future of CSC is brighter than any of us could have imagined. I have some half-baked research I’ve done to justify why I believe this, but am choosing not to post it as it may throw a wrench in what Daniel, Jack, and the rest of the team have worked hard to accomplish.
The Education Partner
“Everything was new, which required a lot of education for those joining the CasinoCoin space. Eventually, there would be hundreds of millions, even billions, but back then, we just needed to assist people in understanding the technology and the evolving ecosystem…It was someone who had broad industry alliances with well-known brands in the crypto space…”
I have two guesses on this one. The first is the Blockchain Education Alliance (Mousebelt). Many notable names are listed below, and I don’t see this as a stretch.
The other (and equally as likely in my opinion) is some type of partnership with
Last year KuCoin partnered with NewsCrypto to launch a crypto school program. I imagine the CasinoCoin team could have possibly gone the same route, which could also imply a connection with KuCoin — who I’ve always considered would be one of the first big exchanges to list CSC.
The CasinoCoin Lobby xApp
“The most exciting event back in those closing months of 2021 was the launch of the CasinoCoin Lobby xApp. In development all that summer and fall, the Lobby was the ultimate objective of the CasinoCoin project…”
Grandpa JC may be hinting about the release date of the CSC Lobby here. Fall of 2021 ends on December 21st. If the Lobby was in development all that summer and fall, could the possible launch date be December 22nd?
Everything Else
“Adding blogs to the new website was necessary because there would be even more significant announcements throughout that November. Announcements that I have only whispered about in the spaces between these words — the spaces between wave and shore.
The spaces between worlds.”
It’s just for a second, and most likely missed it — but above Grandpa JC breaks the trance. He speaks directly to the reader here when he references the spaces between the words. Is he being literal here and telling us to pay attention to the sentences between the words wave and shore in the blog? There’s a good chance that’s the case. Or maybe the beach he walks is the space between wave and shore.
Possibly, but JC’s writing is deep…poetic. And as I put on my tinfoil hat, I transform back into the Banana of old, the one who would lose himself in the Bearableguy123 riddles, I let my mind wander a bit off the deep end.
Maybe somewhere in here is a hint to an exchange that plans on listing CSC?
Could it be Huobi Global whose logo looks like a water droplet with a path splitting the waves and shore? The spaces between worlds.
Or could it be another exchange?
Ocean. Waves.
What lives in the Ocean?
Or is Grandpa JC in a virtual world. Maybe he’s hinting at a VR aspect which is possible as some casinos are already doing that. (Oculus anyone?).
I could continue on forever here picking apart his words…but the most important thing in my mind is the CSC Lobby.
“The Lobby was 100% integrated with Casinos, and the final polishing of the app was taking place. There was an explosion of utility after its launch.”
They have confirmed the launch. There are multiple casinos.
And as I watch On The Chain Live Jack just mentioned the Roadmap is incomplete and after certain announcements it opens up. Which means an exchange announcement is definitely in the cards.
Time will tell whether or not I’m right, but until then..
Buckle up.